As is true with all expectant parents, the commencement of birthing the new album felt like a surprise despite many months of preparation. We are on day four now, and the first week is usually the most worrisome in that it takes time to set up and mic the drums and prepare the studio equipment in general. It invariably seems that time is slipping away and that not enough is being accomplished, but then all at once there is material committed to tape and the album is officially underway. The period of time to write our fourth album was about nine months, which is about thirteen months less than what we prefer. Then again, about two thirds of our usual schedule is used up with Sanguine writing and ruminating over the work. Our actual official writing time was about the same, but the difference is that this is the first time we do not have complete lyrics to dictate the course of the music. Nevertheless, the process has begun and while we can steer it we cannot stop it. Tore Stjerna is producing for us once again, and as usual his ideas are sage and his methods are studied. This will be another success for Averse Sefira, and it will also prove to us that we can rise to the demands of less time and more output. We shall not fail.