Mark's Place fucking sucks, and I hope we do not play there again any time soon. The growing snow storm kept the audience relatively small (though I say relatively as it is clear that we will not play to any empty rooms on this tour), and while the attendant were sufficiently roused by the set I could not hear myself very well and did not like my performance. Mark's Place has a trillion rules for entry and crowd conduct, all of which are asinine and designed to discourage anyone from attending. I think this is likely because the whole operation is clearly a front for hookers, drugs, and whatever else, so they don't really care if the shows are well-attended. We make it a point of not ever taking out these kinds of frustrations on our fans as we always appreciate their support, but all the same, fuck that place.
Later: onward to NYC. We beat the snow storm by inches and now drive on a clear road. We should get there plenty early so lunch and a good parking spot are the two priorities. Jos A. Smith and his wife Charissa are to be present tonight, and I am excited to show him all the shirts and posters that feature his amazing work. As I write this, however, a blizzard is setting in on the city and it is possible he may not make it from Pennsylvania. I can only hope for the best.