Monday, February 25, 2008
Son of Iniquity
San Marcos rocketed to the best show of the tour thus far, and it is probably among the best shows we've ever played anywhere. The audience, as Ross would say, was on fire. The venue was relatively small and it was jammed with people who seemed to think that it was 1991 based on their reaction. We hit the stage and it was bedlam from the first note. You'll remember my mention of the non-stop pit for Immolation; we got ours tonight too. The whole thing was pretty unbelievable. Those who weren't in the pit (which was also full of good looking girls who were hitting just as hard as the guys) were up front headbanging and spilling all over the low slung stage. We played a flawless set, in large part because there was no way we could bungle it with that kind of energy behind us. These are the times when true communion is achieved- when the performance becomes a ritual and a bridge between band and audience. There is nothing quite like it and it is exactly why so many bands play lousy show after lousy show because they know somewhere this inimitable experience is waiting for them.
I am pleased to say that all the bands turned in amazing sets to the same kind of mania that greeted us. Rotting Christ was fantastic and I liked seeing them in commando mode with some of their normal polish removed by the intensity of the room. The Carcass was in the pit by this point and he was an ambulatory wrecking ball that could not be stopped. Afterwards, the show turned into a party with all the bands and fans carousing and having a good time. Ras of Belphegor was in a rather untoward mode and aside from dry-humping everything that was vertical (including yours truly) he ended up trying to perform oral sex on a girl right through her pants. It was bizarre to begin with as he dropped to his knees and began rubbing his face in her crotch and she responded with somewhat confused laughter. He must have somehow gotten somewhere critical as her face suddenly showed alarm and she abruptly broke free of him. Down, boy. We finally took the party onto the tour bus where it ended up being just the bands again. We blasted Slayer and had a lot of laughs. This was an absolutely perfect night, and to anyone reading this who attended the show we thank you profusely for your contribution. This was a show I think all of the bands really needed after such a cold and long trek through the north. LA is tomorrow, and I'm holding my breath as to how it will go. A three night winning streak is a lot to ask for, but with any luck we will have it.