Both Immolation and Rotting Christ are 20 years old this year. That is pretty amazing, especially when I consider that I've been listening to Immolation since their inception. It is impossible for me to know if we will last that long, but we have no planned termination point so who can say? If we end up as revered as either band then I will be more than satisfied regardless of where it ends. Cleveland was good, particularly for a Monday night. I finally watched a Belphegor set and was struck by Ras' chokehold approach to playing guitar. His presence is brutish and imposing and it is not hard to figure why so many girls tend to approach him with doe-eyed and tentative demeanors. I have now missed two Immolation sets so I plan to get caught up tonight. Other than that it was just cold and uncomfortable weather that made load out a bracing experience. We played at Peabody's this time and this served to purge my bad memories of the execrable Jigsaw show from last year.

Now in Detroit: Sara the merch girl has presented with the flu and as usual BB King's completely messed up all the band shirt counts, so we were forced to bring in every last box and recount all of the shirts and CDs. It was tedious, but then again there is absolutely no place to go in this area and it is still blisteringly cold so it isn't as if we had plenty of other things to do. I am curious to see if anyone shows up tonight. I hear a lot of people cross here from Canada so perhaps it will be another respectable showing. We got a hotel last night and are rested enough so the upcoming drive to Louisville, KY, will hopefully not be too arduous. Perhaps it will be a bit warmer as well.